
(6 reviews)
Author: Arthur H. Jeske
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Ideal for chairside use by the entire dental team, Mosby's Dental Drug Reference provides guidelines for safe, accurate drug administration. More than 800 drug monographs make it easy to find indications and dosages, contraindications, interactions, side effects, serious reactions, and dental-specific drug information. With profiles of drugs recently approved by the FDA, this edition is completely up to date! A companion Evolve website adds regular drug updates, and a CD offers a full-color pill atlas and printable patient education handouts. From lead editor Arthur Jeske, a well-known researcher and author on dental pharmacology, this pocket-sized reference provides the current, concise drug information you need at the point of care.
- User-friendly, durable, pocket-sized format provides information at a glance, and makes this guide ideal for chairside use.
- More than 800 detailed monographs include each drug's generic name, pronunciation, brand names, drug class, controlled substances schedule, mechanism of action, uses or indications, doses and routes of administration, side effects/adverse reactions, contraindications, precautions, pharmacokinetics, drug interactions of concern to dentistry, and other dental considerations.
- Dental considerations include suggestions for consultations and recommendations for the patient/family in preventing dental complications.
- A companion CD includes a full-color pill atlas, a searchable glossary of terms with pronunciations, illustrations of drug-related pathologic oral conditions, and patient information handouts.
- Useful appendices summarize information such as combination products, food and herbal interactions, pregnancy and pediatric considerations, and IV compatibilities and incompatibilities.
- The companion Evolve website includes patient teaching guides, a full-color pill atlas, all appendices from the text, alternative medicine information, and regular updates to the book.
- New monographs for recently FDA approved drugs include up-to-date dental considerations.
- More emphasis on oral health, prevention, and treatment from the dental hygienist's perspective helps in educating the patient.
- Stronger coverage of oral contraceptives includes brand names with generic names when possible.
- A list of common prescriptions in the appendix includes the use for each along with rationales, providing a quick reference when considering a drug's implications for dental treatment.
- Expanded resources on CD include a search function and pronunciations for the glossary, plus crossword puzzles, word searches, and additional illustrations of common oral complications, making it easier to recognize terms, drug classes, and pathologic conditions.
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- File Size: 7182 KB
- Print Length: 1511 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0323079601
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
- Publisher: Mosby; 10 edition (July 18, 2011)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #755,648 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #24
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Professional & Technical > Medical eBooks > Dentistry > Dental Assisting - #25
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Professional & Technical > Medical eBooks > Dentistry > Dental Hygiene - #27
in Books > Medical Books > Dentistry > Pharmacology
- #24
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Professional & Technical > Medical eBooks > Dentistry > Dental Assisting - #25
in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Professional & Technical > Medical eBooks > Dentistry > Dental Hygiene - #27
in Books > Medical Books > Dentistry > Pharmacology
Free Download Mosby's Dental Drug Reference
The content of this book is useful, but it has restrictive digital rights that severely marginalize it for me. I downloaded it onto two or three computers at my workplaces, and now it says I can't authorize it on any more devices. It is such a huge book that my tablet is very slow navigating it. I would have been better off getting a subscription to an online drug reference.
By Ryan Abbott
I got this book when I has in school. It has of course many medications in it, and gives great info about the meds and their side effects. I had some patients who were on 17 meds so I got a lot of use out of this!
By Mallory
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