(4 reviews)
Author: Kenneth J. Anusavice
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You can download Free Download Phillips' Science of Dental Materials for everyone book mediafire, rapishare, and mirror link The 11th edition of this leading reference is an outstanding, scientifically based source of information in the field of dental materials science. It presents up-to-date information on materials that are used in the dental office and laboratory every day, emphasizing practical, clinical use, as well as the physical, chemical, and biological properties of materials. Extensive new clinical photographs in this edition illustrate the topics, and color plates are integrated close to related concepts as they're discussed in each chapter. A new glossary of key terms found at the beginning of every chapter defines terms in the appropriate context of the chapter's discussion. Also in this edition, critical thinking questions throughout the book stimulate the readers' curiosity on specific topics, test their existing knowledge, and heighten their awareness of important or controversial subjects.
- Content outlines at the beginning of each chapter provide a quick reference for specific topics.
- The roles played by key organizations in ensuring the safety and efficacy of dental materials and devices are described - such as the American Dental Association, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the International Organization for Standardization, and the Fédération Dentaire Internationale.
- Up-to-date Selected Readings are presented at the end of each chapter to direct readers to supplemental literature on each topic.
- Numerous boxes and tables throughout summarize and illustrate key concepts and compare characteristics and properties of various dental materials.
- Distinguished contributors lend their credibility and experience to the text.
- Content has been completely updated to include information on the most current dental materials available.
- Glossaries at the beginning of each chapter define key terms used within the context of that chapter.
- Revised artwork gives this edition a fresh look, with high-quality illustrations and clinical photos to aid in the visualization of materials and procedures described.
- Reorganization and consolidation of chapters into four major book parts presents the material in a more efficient way:
Part I describes the principles of materials science that control the performance of dental materials in dental laboratories, research laboratories, student dental clinics, public health clinics, and private practice clinics.
Part II focuses on impression materials, gypsum products, dental waxes, casting investments and procedures, and finishing and polishing abrasives and procedures. - Part III provides an updated scientific and applied description of the composition, manipulation principles, properties, and clinical performance of bonded restorations, restorative resins, dental cements, dental amalgams, and direct-filling golds.
- Part IV presents a basic and applied description of materials that are processed in a laboratory or dental clinic.
- Critical thinking questions appear in every chapter to stimulate thinking and classroom discussion.
- The overall design has been improved to provide a more visually appealing format.
Books with free ebook downloads available Free Download Phillips' Science of Dental Materials
- File Size: 12883 KB
- Print Length: 832 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
- Publisher: Saunders; 11 edition (June 30, 2003)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #861,098 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #41
in Books > Medical Books > Dentistry > Dental Materials
- #41
in Books > Medical Books > Dentistry > Dental Materials
Free Download Phillips' Science of Dental Materials
This book covers the basic material science of most commonly-used dental materials. It is generally easy to read and understand and is as current as any text dedicated to the subject. Most of the properties which govern the performance of dental biological materials are presented in a manner which should be understood by dental students and dentists. Since manipulation of materials ranges from 50 to 90 per cent of what dentists spend their work time doing, a book like this should be part of their reference library. This book serves that purpose well. The editors are well-known experts in their respective fields and have chosen keen contributions from competent and established investigators to effectively discuss and elucidate all areas covered by this textbook. As a former faculty member, who taught in dental schools and carried out research programs, and now a general dental practitioner who still participates in material science research, I highly recommend this book.
By Peter Monaghan
This book helped me a lot in my dental class and it helped me understand about the materials. it was in great shape when I got it. much cheaper than the school book store.
By Danielle
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