
(13 reviews)
Author: Iakov Damsky Mikhail Tal
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Posts about Download The Book Free Download Attack with Mikhail Tal from mediafire, rapishare, and mirror link The legendary Mikhail Tal was the finest ever exponent of attacking chess. His all-out sacrificial style took him all the way to the World Championship title. Dogged by ill-health, Tal's reign was a short one, and he was never able to regain his crown, but Tal remained an outstanding player right up to his death in 1992. His departure has taken away one of the chess world's most charismatic figures; a player who excited chess passions wherever he went. In this, his last book, written together with Russian sports journalist Iakov Damsky, Tal shows how to unleash devastating attacks in all kinds of positions.Direct download links available for Free Download Attack with Mikhail Tal
- File Size: 7121 KB
- Print Length: 184 pages
- Publisher: Everyman Chess (August 28, 2012)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B0093JGKQ2
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #506,427 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Free Download Attack with Mikhail Tal
There comes a point in a tournament chess player's development when they are familiar with the "standard" tactical [and positional] themes: they know to go for the kill on, say, f7/f2 against a king stranded in the center (to me a "stranded" king is a stronger precondition for an early attack than an "uncastled" one). They can find (or at least know when to look for) "King's Field" sacrifices and combinations. They can find "Mate in X" when the position requires it.
To me, this brilliant work is about COMPENSATION for sacrificed material in the form of much greater COORDINATION of one's forces than the opponent has of his. And often, the disparity of coordination that pops up is not immediate; rather, the attacking side has a greater ABILITY to develop/coordinate their pieces in the ensuing battle. The opponent's pieces may find themselves sealed off on one flank, or unable to rush to the defense in time.
The thread running through Rudolph Spielmann's THE ART OF SACRIFICE IN CHESS (which I reveiewed previously) is the notion of COMPENSATION when the sacrifices are not of a decisive nature. Upon looking at his examples, the reader can rationalize the material investment as being entirely justified.
With ATTACK WITH MIKHAIL TAL, however, this notion of COMPENSATION is much less clear for, I suspect, most of us. The 8th World Champion (1960) was adept at "Making it Work." The defensive resistance put up by Morphy's opponents was, generally, pathetic. By contrast, Tal stormed his way to the top by hacking to pieces many of the greatest chess players the world has ever seen (for example, he went 4-0 against Bobby Fischer in the 1959 Candidates Tournament, and beat Mikhail Botvinnik by 4 points in the 1960 World Championship Match).
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