
Author: Barry Wood
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Download electronic versions of selected books Free Download Waves Plug-Ins Workshop: Mixing by the Bundle for everyone book mediafire, rapishare, and mirror link The importance of plug-ins for adding and enhancing application functionality cannot be denied; they are present in every current Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) application today, giving them the power and functionality that they have today. However, they vary greatly, as they are often designed to address very specific market needs, and as a result, it is more important than ever before to have a solid knowledge of how plug-ins work. WAVES PLUG-INS WORKSHOP: MIXING BY THE BUNDLE introduces students to a variety of valuable Waves plug-ins used in mixing. Each chapter presents them with the plug-ins in a specific bundle, detailing how they would be used in a mix. Beginning with the least expensive Waves bundle and building up to their most complete bundle, students will build upon their knowledge with each successive chapter. Audio files and plug-in presets will be provided for download so students can literally hear the power of these tools. Whether they are seeking an understanding of what some of the bundles out there today can do for them or they are looking for new ways to use the plug-ins they already have, this book is the perfect resource.Direct download links available for Free Download Waves Plug-Ins Workshop: Mixing by the Bundle
- File Size: 7875 KB
- Print Length: 208 pages
- Publisher: Course Technology PTR; 1 edition (February 1, 2013)
- Sold by: Cengage Learning
- Language: English
- ASIN: B00B7RF9Q0
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #320,045 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
- #46
in Books > Computers & Technology > Software > Business > Utilities - #97
in Books > Computers & Technology > Digital Media Management > Audio & Video Editing
- #46
in Books > Computers & Technology > Software > Business > Utilities - #97
in Books > Computers & Technology > Digital Media Management > Audio & Video Editing
Free Download Waves Plug-Ins Workshop: Mixing by the Bundle
Due to the author personally handling the situation with the files at the publisher's site, I have updated my review. See the comment below for the link to retrieve the files, which have presets, raw audio files, and mp3's to compare your mixing to that of the author. Mr. Wood logically progresses through the essential Waves audio plug-ins in a literal and pragmatic approach. He provides explanations and suggestions without personalizing the mix recommendations, too, much. By this manner, he encourages the reader to not simply copy his technique and, at the same time, discourages simple knob tweaking; that's why you are interested in this book, right!!! If you wish to weed through the veritable sea of Waves, then this is a great place to start.
By Patrick M. Hines
I found this book to be a good overview of the Waves plugins. I am familiar with VST effects (intermediate level) but was new to the Waves Gold package. This book did a good job of describing why you might want to use one Wave plugin over another (there is a bit of overlap). Custom example settings for the Waves plugins were also included. The book also helped by providing some useful mixing tips that can be applied even with other non-Waves plugins.
I was able to find the audio files up on the publisher's website. The audio files were out of sync as the other review stated. I use Cubase and was able to toggle these audio files to musical timebase and everything lined up fine. Perhaps it would be better if they were all set to the same tempo to begin with to avoid any confusion.
Overall I feel that this was a very good value and am pleased with the purchase. Between this book and the Wave manuals I feel that I am now fully capable of using the Waves plugins to their full potential.
By Jgale
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