
Author: Conor Kostick
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Download Free Download Edda for everyone book with Mediafire Link Download LinkWhen your whole world is virtual, what is reality?
Everyone in the universe of Edda is made of pixels—except for Penelope. While her body is kept alive in a hospital bed, her avatar runs free, able to go anywhere and do anything, including create deadly weapons for Edda’s ruler, her guardian Lord Scanthax. When Scanthax decides to invade another virtual world, Erik/Cindella from
Epic and Ghost from
Saga become part of the story—and soon the virtual universes are alive with fighting, alight with bombs, and brought together by three teenagers who want peace and understanding.
With its blend of action, technology, subversion, and politics, Conor Kostick’s Epic Trilogy is the next best thing to gaming.
Download latest books on mediafire and other links compilation Free Download Edda (Epic) [Kindle Edition]
- File Size: 551 KB
- Print Length: 387 pages
- Page Numbers Source ISBN: 1847171656
- Publisher: Firebird (August 4, 2011)
- Sold by: Penguin Group (USA) LLC
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #80,348 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Free Download Edda
I'm a huge fan of the first two books in this trilogy, so I was thrilled when I was able to finally get a hold of this one. The story gives us a chance to look back at the characters from previous books (Cindella, Ghost, Milan, etc.) as well as new characters. The main new character, Penelope, is human, but has grown up in the game world instead of out in the real world.
This book is sort of a tying-together of all the threads from the other books. We found out how the various game worlds intersect, what has happened to humans and game characters in other worlds, and all the characters' story lines are brought to a fairly satisfying conclusion. It is a rather too neat wrap-up, but it's sort of nice to have that satisfying ending occasionally.
The main reason I gave this four instead of five stars like the other books is that I think I missed the one-character focus that the first two had. As much as I enjoyed seeing Cindella and Ghost again, they weren't in that stage of self-discovery that they were experiencing in their own books. And I think that's what I really enjoyed about those books. Penelope is going through that, but we only get about half (and possibly less) of the book with her; I actually wanted more of her storyline/for her to have more of the action.
Still, it's very well-written and an enjoyable, fast read. I admittedly ended up putting off some other books I was reading when I got this because I couldn't put this one down. I think it's focused more toward YA, but it's one of those YA books that adults can enjoy reading as well.
(And if you haven't read the first two, while you could probably read this one on its own, you really should read Epic and Saga first, both for a better understanding of what's going on and just because they're awesome. I loved both of them!).
By Erin
Like other reviewers I wanted to read more about Penelope's personal growth, but that's unfortunately only a small (but important) part of the book.
The majority of the time is spent on an adventure by the main characters of the previous books. One I realized that, I settled down to enjoy the adventure and stopped looking for more about Penelope.
Once you know what kind of book you are getting, you'll enjoy it a lot.
I do hope the author writes a sequel about Penelope finally meeting other humans.
Perhaps: Virtually at first along with our favorite characters, then in person as they send a (fast) rocket to meet her. Ideally also from the point of view of other humans. (The author kind of left this point open - that other humans are still checking the virtual worlds, and I'd love to read something from their point of view.)
By as
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