Author: Derek Lea
New from $9.28
Format: PDF
Download file now Free Download Creative Photoshop CS4: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques [Kindle Edition] for everyone book with Mediafire Link Download LinkIf you are a digital artist, illustrator, cartoonist, graphic artist, designer, or serious hobbyist looking for new and interesting ways to use Photoshop, this is the book for you! You already know how to use Photoshop as an image editing tool; now, challenge yourself and discover the more artistic aspects of the program with one of the world's best teachers by your side.
In addition to four brand new chapters on real world projects, this new edition of award-winning digital artist Derek Lea's bestselling Creative Photoshop contains several brand new features such as "What you'll learn in this chapter? summaries, so you can quickly find projects using the specific tools you'd like to focus on, and supplementary information at the end of each chapter, containing useful resources and additional gallery images to provide further study and inspiration. As you work through Derek's fantastic artistic methods, be sure to visit www.creativephotoshopthebook.com for more information, including the project files for each chapter, available for download for you to work with, a reader forum, and more.Download latest books on mediafire and other links compilation Free Download Creative Photoshop CS4: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques
- File Size: 18971 KB
- Print Length: 424 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Up to 4 simultaneous devices, per publisher limits
- Publisher: Focal Press; 1 edition (November 12, 2012)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B00AC26UO6
- Text-to-Speech: Enabled
- Lending: Not Enabled
- Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #938,111 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
Free Download Creative Photoshop CS4: Digital Illustration and Art Techniques
This is a project-based book for fairly experienced Photoshop users. It is not general Photoshop information or instruction for the uninitiated. It also seems to be geared to a niche category of designers, not the more conventional art, advertising, or photography market to which I belong. What follows are my subjective interpretations of the book's content.
The good points:
* Clearly explained thought process and workflow supported by equally clear and logical screen shots of Photoshop dialogs and, particularly, detailed layer stacks (so necessary to understand the sequence and the logic).
* The author is a more than a merely competent artist. His original art (sketches, cartoons, line drawings, photographs) are the basis for the projects in the book.
* The author knows how to teach. Not every artist or technically-skilled author knows how to put himself in the place of a reader with less knowledge or abilities and explain the how's and why's of the process.
* Originality in the use of Photoshop for unusual purposes. While you might, personally, not share his artistic vision, the projects do open your imagination to ideas you might not have otherwise considered and which can be made applicable to your own taste and interpretations. Excellent as a launching pad for your own brand of originality.
* Web downloads for the project materials, etc. It helps to do things his way first using the exact same illustrations shown in the book before going off in your own tangent with your own materials.
* Excellent organization. Each chapter/project begins with a synopsis explaining the project, what he hopes to achieve, how he will proceed, and the purpose of the exercise. I wish other Photoshop books would do this.
When I taught Photoshop I told students it was the "Swiss Army Knife" of applications - lots of different users, who knew their part of the program very well but had no idea how to work the rest of the commands.
There are people who make their photographs look better, scan operators and professional photographers, people who remove unwanted boyfriends and husbands from pictures of happy occasions, and those that can take a cracked picture taken over fifty years ago and make it look like it was taken yesterday. I taught all these methods, but there was the equivalent of a locked door between us and those people who created artwork without using any pre-existing photographs or drawings.
That door has now been pretty much kicked open with Derek Lea's Creative Photoshop books where he reveals step-by-step instructions for making his own pictures. Lea's artwork is often unsettling (like the Woman/Octopus on the cover), but if you ignore that you'll find the whole book full of techniques that it's hard to find anywhere else.
I'd rather have a book that shows you how to make illustrations that are current, rather than someone giving you baby steps by showing you general principles. We may never have Lea's visions, but working through this book will give you a huge amount of techniques.
This book claims to be for Intermediate to Advanced digital artists, rather than just Photoshop users. For most, it may look intimidating, but just about every step is in there, and if you're the sort of person who knows the basics of Photoshop's features, you can work your way through. Lea helps by adding advice on problems you might have, and it's obvious he's given deep thought on how people become digital artists.
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